Yet another diploma to hang on relevant walls...

... both in Sweden and in Africa.
Yennenga Progress is certified as an advocate for and enabler of a sustainable environment.

In short, this diploma says that Yennenga Progress meets the requirements specified by Svensk Miljöbas. The organisation has not only formulated policy, goal and an action plan but also carried out concise measures for the environment. All staff has been trained and there are well documented routines to follow.

– It was a long process and we had to provide really substantial research and documentation, says Alice Forsman Kocsis. After having finalised a BA in development studies, she made her internship at Yennnega Progress's office in Stockholm.

Alice was given the task to collect all facts and data – and arguments – and compile the ground for achieving these credentials above.

Yennenga Progress has previously been acknowledged for its policies but this time the challenge was to present all activities both in Sweden and in Burkina Faso. Which included numerous details and specific questions from Miljöstegen to answer. Based on Alice’s research, Miljöstegen wrote a comprehensive presentation of Yennenga Progress which was then reviewed - and approved of - by an independent auditor.

– Demands were high. And I believe a certification by Miljöstegen har become more and more attractive for both the private sector and non-profit institutions. It shows your commitment, it gives a certain standing, Alice adds.

– Being certified by Miljöstegen boosts our efforts to set an example also for other villages or institutions interested in copying the Yennenga Progress model for welfare societies, says Yennenga Progress Secretary General Stina Berge.         

Miljöstegen is a private initiative established in 2007 which assists institutions and enterprises with their environmental sustainability.

Svensk Miljöbas is a non-profit association, since 2005, developing standards for environmental certification.

You are most welcome to learn more at a webinar March 25, 10.00-11.00, where Stina Berge will tell about Yennenga’s continued efforts to implement its strategy and how the so called Agenda 2030 can be practically realised.


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