Establishing a citizen's office plays a big role in this work. Already, information meetings are being held on legal issues. It is of great importance that the people know about their rights - and obligations - and get help to deal with the authorities involved.
The security system is developed through the legal department at Dr. Denis Mukwege Center, which is developing into a citizen's office. Already, information meetings are being held on legal issues. It is very important that the population know about their rights - and obligations - and get help with registering so that they can access the security systems that exist in the country: child benefits, pensions etc.
Already, all children at Yennenga's preschools and schools insured according to national systems, and included in extended school health care where they can visit our local health center for free and receive care.
In order to create a functioning society, a structure that can organize the community is required. It also requires trust in this structure and its decision-makers. The Yennenga Progress model is based on building a micro-democracy based on the local traditional structures. This includes the city council, the women's group, the youth association, etc.
Management and decision-making in the village still have strong patriarchal structures, but more and more groupings are added to the organizational flow (women's group, youth association, etc.). However, this is not something that happens automatically, but requires constant work at all different levels of society. The management of The good village includes the traditional decision-making structures in the village aswell as the Yennenga Progress Burkina Faso local board. We have regular village meetings where we can actively involve the population for a more representative structure.
Migration is not a major issue in our region. However, we believe in people's mobility and the benefits of gaining experience, learning new languages, seeing the world and discovering. We therefore encourage the population to travel, study abroad, go on study trips and conferences, seek work and gain broader experience.