Välkommen till Yennenga Sarah Kwofie Ocran
Vi är glada att välkomna Sarah Kwofie Ocran, som vår tredje praktikant under hösten. Med bakgrund inom pedagogik från Ghana, inväntar hon nu att få börja masterprogrammet för Public Health vid Uppsala universitet. Under tiden tar hon tillfället i akt att bidra i vår verksamhet. Hennes uppdrag är att strukturera Yennengas fortbildningsprogram för lärare med det material som redan skapats av experter i vårt nätverk, samt fylla på med det material som ska kompletteras!
Hi, I am Sarah Kwofie Ocran, a Ghanaian by nationality and a 42 year old graduate teacher by profession from University Of Cape Coast Ghana. I am Currently living in Sweden and looking forward to starting my masters programme in Global Health in autumn next year 2023.
For me the quality of education is emphatically important in every society. At Yennenga Progress, I would be working with the department of education where I will be sorting, reviewing and designing different curriculums for school children of different ages and levels. I am so excited to be offered this incredible opportunity to work with Yennenga Progress on their educational programs that will benefit school children in different levels and all ages in Burkina Faso and in other countries at large.
The work environment has been so amazing so far and our discussion and chats have been an eye opener for me. I hope my ideas and contribution will be beneficial to the organization at large. I am super excited to be at Yennenga Progress and am looking forward to learning a lot and having an impact in the lives of people around the globe.