Välkommen till Yennenga Theresa Catherine Appiah
Vi är glada att välkomna Theresa Catherine Appiah som praktikant under hösten. Redan utbildad läkare, och med fokus på reproduktiv hälsa, går hon nu masterprogrammet för Public Health vid Uppsala universitet. Hon kommer att skapa utbildningsprogram för både vårdpersonal och skolpersonal, för hur vi på bästa sätt kan arbeta förebyggande för sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa. Det är en stor fråga även i Sverige hur vi fokuserar programmet till skolorna vad gäller samtycke och jämställdhet. Vi har en spännande höst framför oss!
Hello, my name is Appiah Theresa Catherine, I am a Ghanaian by nationality. I am 32 years old and a medical doctor by profession with masters in human assisted reproductive technologies from UPF- Barcelona school of management in Barcelona, Spain. I am currently residing in Sweden and studying a second masters in Global Health at Uppsala University.
I have just started an internship with Yennenga Progress this September 2022. I have always been looking for opportunities where I can create an impact in the lives of people while I also grow as an individual and, in my area of expertise; and Yennenga offered me that combination. The work environment is so amazing, our chats and discussions have been enlightening. Yennenga dispenses an aura of love towards their staff. The environment and the people in Yennenga are a strong motivation for one to think out of the box and to become innovative when it comes to sustainability developments.
I am working in the sexual and reproductive health department at Yennenga, where I will be working on the sorting and reviewing existing materials on the different areas of sexual reproductive health. I will also be creating a yearly program structure in this area that will include all genders, the different age groups, health care professionals, schoolteachers and most importantly everyone in the community (Nakamtenga village).
As at now, the work feels like a lot but it’s quite interesting for me because I have a strong passion for sexual reproductive health and rights and above all I am learning so much already. What is important and exciting is that my work will be implemented in the local community in Burkina Faso and hopefully it will be a medium of inclusion for the people of Nakamtenga village. I am really excited to be working with Yennenga and I am looking forward to learning so much while I also contribute my own quota to the organization.